It's me again. Yeah... I know, you must be pretty bored seeing me, since I make posts everyday. Nah.. it's fine. I don't know what to be talking about much so please comment what you want me to post so I can know. For today, we'll be talking about why is the world.
Just kidding. We will be talking facts about celebrities. Whether it's weird, scary, or just... well, normal.
Mostly I've heard is that most of the celebrities I know are part of the illuminati because of the triangle signs they made and more. It either be true or just a hoax. Seriously, if the illuminati thing is just a hoax, I might cry. I mean, sometimes I used up a lot of my free times watching conspiracies about the illuminati. If the illuminati is fake, my research is all for nothing. Hahaha... anyways, unto fact #1.
Fact #1:
So I've searched this up and it said that Taylor Swift's first job was to knock praying mantises out of Christmas trees. Wow.. I'm confessing... I have a fear of bugs and insects, except for ants and moths, mainly it because their small but I think it's called entomophobia. But really, I never thought that could be her first job.
I thought being a celebrity was Taylor's first job. I must be a horrible person for not knowing this.

Fact #2:
Madonna was fired from Dunkin' Donuts after she squirted jelly at a customer. Talk about embarrassing... In my life, never have I accidentally squirted or spill anything at a stranger. That must be both awkward and embarrassing. Imagine if you're working at Dunkin' Donuts and then when you were giving a donut to a customer, you'll be squirting out the donuts filling. Even thinking it makes me laught out loud. LOL... No offense.

Fact #3:
Ben Stiller's brother-in-law is the actor who voices Squidward Tentacles on 'Spongebob Squarepants'. That's cool, wish my brother was like that. In fact, I wish I have a brother. Must be fun to have a brother, even though it's in-law. I have a sister but it's not like I hate her, I'm just wondering how does it feels to have a brother. Even though I think they don't see or talk to each to each much. I think.
Fact #4:
I don't know if this is fake or not, but I search up the web and found an interesting, but depressing fact that Johnny Depp.... was allergic to chocolate. Depressing, isn't it? I mean, I know some of you probably don't like chocolate, but it's yummy. Yeah it's not healthy but it's still yummy, but I'm not forcing you to love it. I literally eat chocolate every night after dinner. My teeth are probably dying at some point. If it actually can die.
Fact #5:
This fact is kind weird, and it's that Tobey Maguire who played the character Spiderman, had a fear of heights. Seriously?! Spiderman can go up a 11 storey building using it walls but how can he climb when he have a fear of heights. If it was me, I would have probably fainted at the 7th floor.

There are still a lot of facts out there in the web so since tomorrow I have school, I better end this here. It's not like I'm going anywhere since I'll be seeing all of you tomorrow. I guess for now it's goodbye. See you all tomorrow. Thank you for your attention and goodbye.

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