Wednesday, September 21, 2016

xX Interesting facts about life...Xx

Hello everybody. Again today we will be talking about facts. I should call myself the fact master.... just kidding.. Maybe.

Hahaha.. So, today facts are quite interesting actually. I don't know, let me know what you think about this facts. So here are the facts:

Fact #1:

Vending Machine Facts

Fact #2:

Pringle's Inventor Funeral

Fact #3:

Amazing Facts About The World

Fact #4:

How Many Questions The Average Four Year Old Acts

Fact #5:

Amazing Facts

Fact #6:

Skin Shed By Humans

Fact #7:

                      Left Handed Deaths

Fact #8:

Bacteria In The Human Body

Fact #9:

Starfish Regeneration Fact

Fact #10:

Weight Of Ants On Earth

Fact #11:

Size Of Velicoraptors

Fact #12:

Facebook Like Button

Fact #13:

Supreme Court Basketball Court

Fact #14:

Amazing Facts The Computing Power Of The Brain

Fact #15:

Marlboro Men Dying Of Lung Cancer

That's all. But don't worry, there are still many more that I will share. In the meantime, let's save some for other days. Well, the last one caught me off guard. Of course anyone who smokes will get lung cancer and die. Maybe. What?! It's not like I'm praying for it to happen. It's the fact. My favourite one is #12. I hope they would put the 'awesome' button in the first place. But seriously, that's 'awesome'. Anyone get it....? No one...? Alright....

I would give credit to Alexander Baldwin, the true author of these interesting facts. I would also thanked the sources, Mental FlossWikipedia, and Fact Slides.

Well, I guess that's it. I'll see you all - not physically, though- tomorrow. Bye bye.

Image result for thank you cat meme

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