Myth #1:
Talking on your cell phone will give you cancer. There has been lots of talk over the years about how the radiation from cell phones may be causing brain tumors. As it turns out, not so much. An annual report from the Presidents Cancer Panel found no evidence to support the link between cell phones and malignancies. In fact, while talking on cell phones has increased by sixfold since 1991, the number of brain cancer incidences has actually dropped by half.
Phew... at least now I don't have to worry about dying when using the phone. I mean, seriously? Can you get an incurable cancer just by using your phone for an hour?
I don't believe 100% on this myth since I've used my phone for a day, non-stop, and I'm still healthy and still can write blogs. This world is getting old.

Myth #2:
Holding your laptop on your lap will make you sterile. This myth grew out of a study by Argentinian researchers in 2011 which seemed to indicate that the electromagnetic radiation from the wifi signal damaged the sperm in a man’s testes. Chalk this one up to media sensationalism. The truth is that the researchers themselves admitted that the setup was artificial in nature. The laptops were placed on laps for four straight hours, a somewhat rare scenario. Not only that, but the normal angle a man would sit would place the computer not on his testes, but rather on his thighs. In rebuking the study, French cancer researchers remarked, “Genotoxicity of radio frequencies is not a matter of opinion: Radio frequency energy absorption cannot break DNA molecules.”
I don't know about this myth or ever experience this since I've used my laptop for a day and all I get was cram. It's probably just the position I was, although I did change my positions here and there. But I'm still thankful that it's fake or who knows what'll might happen to me if I put my laptop in my lap.

Myth #3:
A penny dropped from the Empire State Building will kill you if it hits you. We can all stop covering our heads when we pass the Empire State Building. If someone dropped a whole roll of pennies in the wrapper it might do some damage, but a single penny won’t do much harm. It might sting a little, but that’s about it. Pennies are not heavy enough or aerodynamically designed enough to gather the force necessary to hurt you. Too much tumbling and flipping on the way down.
I also don't know about this myth but really.... a penny could kill you? I would never believe this if I've known. Just be happy that you at least got a penny, a free one.
Myth #4:
Lightning never strikes the same place twice. Wrong. In fact, lightning tends to strike the same place over and over again. The Empire State Building gets hit 100 times a year. Any tall structure or tree is prone to multiple hits from lightning during electrical storms. A study in 2003 by NASA pretty much put this myth to rest.
I've never got struck by a lightning so I think it's fine if it strikes at the same place, but thanks for the heads up to whoever made this and if you're reading this, I swear I'm innocent. I'm just doing this because of school and I really need some information stats. I hope you don't mind.

Myth #5:
Hair and nails continue to grow after you die. In order for this to be true, you would need to be able to supply nutrients to the hair and body, which means there would still need to be metabolic processes going on, which pretty much means you wouldn’t be dead. So shelve this myth. Hair and nails can appear to grow after death because the skin dries out and retracts, exposing more of the hair and nail roots. But growing? Nope.
I'm more than happy to know about this. Don't yo think it's creepy when you die, you are not breathing but your nails and hair grows and when you're a hundred year your hair will be like rapunzel. That.... is disturbing. (I won't add the picture because when I search it, it was freaking scary.)
Myth #6:
Eating watermelon seeds will give you appendicitis. Nah. Just like almost everything we eat, watermelon seeds pass through the system and end up in the toilet. They don’t have much taste, and the body doesn’t have much use for them, but they aren’t harmful. Nor will they make you grow a watermelon inside your stomach.
That's good to hear. Now I don't have to be picky when eating a watermelon now I know the truth. Though I don't know if it's funny or disgusting or horrible if there's watermelon inside our body. At least it's not like the tapeworm.

Myth #7:
If a jellyfish stings you, urine will help alleviate the pain. It might make for a good “Friends” episode, but the truth is that urine isn’t the answer to a jellyfish sting. In fact, putting urine on the sting could cause more pain by releasing more venom from the stinger. Better to rub it with vinegar. The acid in the vinegar will counteract the stinger and relieve the pain. In any event, the pain should dissipate within 24 hours.
Eww... who knows what might happens to people who still believes in this myth. I can't even.... that... is....messed up. Ya' hear me?! That. is. mess. up.

That's all I have for you guys. I hope you enjoy this and hopefully found this useful for yourself. Make sure you don't die when you're hit by a penny or pee on the sting. I'll see you tomorrow again. Bye - bye.

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