Saturday, September 24, 2016

xX Fun facts about life....Xx

Hello hello everybody~

We finally meet again even though we can't see each other physically. I've been longing to write my blog since I just got home from the mall, not to mention my freaking eyesight. Let's not worry about that, instead, let's just get this started so I could rest my eye. I'll try to make this blog good, don't worry. Alright.Oh, by the way, I want to give you heads up that this facts are all funny for me it is, so... let's start.

1. The word “gorilla” is derived from a Greek word meaning, “A tribe of hairy women.” 

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2. Prisoners in Canadian war camps during WWII were treated so well, that a lot of them didn’t’ want to leave when the war was over.

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3. Gorillas burp when they are happy

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4. In New York it is illegal to sell a haunted house without telling the buyer.

Image result for selling house

5. In 2006 someone tried to sell New Zealand on eBay. The price got up to $3,000 before eBay shut it down.

Image result for ebay

6. It is considered good luck in Japan when a sumo wrestler makes your baby cry.Image result for baby crying

7. A man from Britain changed his name to Tim Pppppppppprice to make it harder for telemarketers to pronounce.

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8. A woman from California once tried to sue the makers of Cap’n Crunch, because the Crunch Berries contained “no berries of any kind.”

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9. Apple launched a clothing line in 1986. It was described as a “train wreck” by others.

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10. In Japan, crooked teeth are considered cute and attractive

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11. A Swedish woman lost her wedding ring, and found it 16 years later- growing on a carrot in her garden.

Image result for carrot garden

Pfft... seriously? Try to look at the the fourth fact. It's illegal to sell a haunted hou without telling the buyer?! Seriously?! If.... if they tell the buyer the house is haunted, of course no one wants to live in it! That's the dumbest rule ever. Not to mention the last fact. 

You've gotta be kidding me. A woman lost a wedding ring and found it... 16 years later.... in a carrot in her garden....

I don't know if that's creepy or funny but I'll stick to funny for now. 

Okay, now I'm done with today's facts so I hope you'll look forward to tomorrow's facts. I'll see all of you awesome readers later. See ya~

                                  Image result for see ya 

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