It's me~ Haha...Anyways, what's up? It's me again. So, today I want to show you about some soul - stirring and heart - melting about animals. I read this and I am really... touched. I'll write it down so you can read it and let me know what you think about it. Enjoy~
1. Abused Circus Elephants Who Were Miraculously Reunited in an Elephant Sanctuary After Being 25 Years Apart.

Okay. It's still the beginning. Let's see if you can handle more. Muahaha....>:D
2. Koko, The Gorilla, Goes Highly Emotional After Watching a Sad Scene in a Movie.

OMG!! So.....does this prove animals have a heart? Of course they do! Guys, I'm losing it. -it's -it's too much.
3. The Two Guide Dogs Who Saved The Lives of Their Blind Owners By Leading Them Down 70 Floors in the World Trade Center Before The Towers Collapsed on September 11.

Guide dogs Salty and Roselle were awarded a joint Dickin Medal “For remaining loyally at the side of their blind owners, courageously leading them down more than 70 floors of the World Trade Center and to a place of safety following the terrorist attack on New York on 11 September 2001.”
Wow...This.. is..
That's what I like about dogs. They are brave, they also have the sixth sense so if you move to a new house, make sure the dogs love it. If not, watch a horror movies with dogs involved and you'll see why.
4. Coaley the Great Dane, Who Helps Raise Baby Chimpanzees.

Molly Badham and Nathan Evans founded a sanctuary for monkeys. It is now one of the largest areas dedicated to primates in the world. They've gotten help caring for the primates from a unexpected breed...Great Danes! They have proved to be gentle giants that are wonderful caregivers for orphaned monkeys.
This kinda reminds me of 'Unlikely Animal Friends'. A show where two animals from a different species or type, become friends. It's an awesome show from what I've seen so far. I haven't cry. Yet.
5. Alex the Parrot's Touching Last Words.

Alex the African gray parrot was able to count and identify colors, and he had a beautiful relationship with his person, Irene Pepperberg. When Alex died in 2007, his last words to her were “You be good. I love you.”
No... I'm- This- Okay...this is very, very deep. I could literally feel it touch my heart. I might cry, because, this is just too sad.
6. The Beluga Whale, Who Saved a Free Diver Who Got Accidentally Cramped Up 20 Feet Below the Surface and Thought She Was Gonna Die.

When free-diver Yang Yun tried to return from the bottom of an arctic pool, she found that her legs had cramped up and she couldn’t move.
“I began to choke and sank even lower and I thought that was it for me – I was dead. Until I felt this incredible force under me driving me to the surface.” A Beluga whale named Mila had seen what was happening and sprang into action, guiding Yun safely back to the top of the pool.
Woohoo!! Go Beluga Whale!!
Gosh, I really love it when animals save human from dying. It's too cool.
7. The Chimps Who Stood Grieving For Their Dead Friend and Watched Her Being Laid To Rest.

At a Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon, a chimp named Dorothy died of heart failure. What happened next was amazing: Her fellow chimps hugged each other in solidarity and solemnly watched as their friend was laid to rest.
No..not again..
Okay, why is there many sad animal stories? It's not fair. They even come to their friend's funeral. Unlike some animals who just stood there watching animals die.
8. This Herd of Elephants, Who Inexplicably Marched to Mourn The Death of The "Elephant Whisperer."

When author and legendary conservationist Lawrence Anthony died, these South African elephants marched for 2 hours through the Zululand bush until they reached his house. These elephants had been saved by Anthony years ago, after they were deemed violent and sentenced to death. Anthony rehabilitated the animals and gave them a chance at a better life.
Aw c'mon! I just write down that I can't handle these things. Do somebody wants to see me cry? Well, if so it didn't work. It is sad, but it's just pictures and description. I would really cry if it's a video.
9. The German Shepherd, Who Has Become a Seeing Eye For a Blind Spaniel. They Call it 'Puppy Love'.

When Ellie, a blind spaniel, was adopted by shelter manager Jean Spencer, she never expected that her other dog, Leo, would choose to become her very own seeing-eye dog. “I take them for walks in the park and Leo guides Ellie around,” says Spencer. “He is so protective and herds the more boisterous dogs away from her.”
How cute~ I salute to both of these lovely puppies. Gosh, I wish I have a puppy. Too bad I'm still too young and non independent to take care of pets.
10. The Amazing Story of Christian The Lion, Who's Reunion With Their Owners is The Most Heart-warming Reunion of All Time. the last fact...had to be...the sad one? If- if I were reunited with my long-time-no-see friend, whether it's an animal or a human, I would hug him/her and cry. Same as this case. Now, If you'll excuse me. *walks away from laptop, take a tissue and cry for 5 minutes*
Sorry guys, I was locked in my bathroom. Just kidding!
That's all guys. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy...and cry. Haha... Bye~

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