Hey guys. What's up? This is ScarletMoon and today I was thinking since today my day was boring and there's actually nothing to talk about, I've been thinking and I've decided that today, I will talk, about the infamous conspiracy about:
The Mandela Effect ...
Now, the mandela effect is what happens when someone has a clear memory of something that never happened in this reality. People believe that this happen because it's connected with a parallel universe. So, for example... do you, by any chance, know the "Berenstein Bears"? Well, guess what? It's actually "Berenstain Bears". Creepy, right? For you all of you reading, I don't know, but for me, it's actually kinda creepy. Imagine if the mandela effect happens with my username and it turns out to be "Scarletmoon". The "m" is not capital. Gosh. So creepy...
Here's another example:
I don't know much about this scene but a lot of youtubers put this into the mandela effect because, this is wrong. Mostly people thin that it's: "Luke, I am your father." But guess what? It's actually: "No, I am your father." Talk about mind-blowing, right?
At first, I thought that "maybe people mistaken it. It couldn't be that big of a deal?" but when I heard that many people were mistaken too, I started believing it. Don't you think it's weird when a lot of people thought that a show was called "The Berenstein Bears" but when they look up the name it was called "The Berenstain Bears". Even thinking about it makes me shudder.
Since I want to make it longer, I'll give more examples about the mandela effect.
Do you remember the story about "Snow White"? Do you remember the scene here the evil queen says, "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." Here's another proof of the mandela effect:

Dudee... What has become of our planet? Okay, now I'm just overreacting. We, yes 'we' including me, all thought that it was "mirror, mirror" but no... the mandela effect cast its magic so it becomes "magic mirror".
Another one:

Now compare them. They're obviously different. The left one use 'u', and the right one use an 'o'. HOW IS THAT NOT CREEPY?!! And the fact there's more, it makes me go... sdfghjko7y3ue2h7y2u.
I'm just feeling that the world was all like, "hey, the humans are always right. Let's do something to prove they're not right in everything by making this parallel universe mandela effect thingy." It's like the world doesn't want us to be right, so it changes it. Good thing it doesn't take the memory along with it. Or else, we won't know about the "Berenstein Bears" or the "Luke, I'm your father." dialogue or about the "Looney Toons".
So, I guess I'm going to end it here. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy. Sorry I didn't put in a song. You see, I don't know what song is there to match it with our topic. I'm going to make a part two . But this is it for now, see you all (not physically but yeah...) later.

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