Monday, October 3, 2016

xX Funny Animal Stories part 2...Xx

Yoyoyo! Whaddup everybody, how's it going and yes, it is that time of the day. Today we will be talking about the same thing as yesterday so prepare some tissues cause you're going to laugh so hard until you cry.

Here are some funny pics:

A South Korean man living in Tokyo married a dakimakura, a life-sized pillow which has an anime cartoon girl drawn on it.

Lazy monkey on back of a parrot. Says it all really.

Spider goats. The goats take on the dam, risking a 160ft drop


RIP. Charlie the smoking chimp, who passed away this year.


This tube-nosed fruit bat Nyctimene was discovered in Papua New Guinea

A squirrel taking a break and eating a KitKat

Puggy the Pekingese dog, who has the longest tongue in the world at 4.5


Yoga is a bear necessity for this beast

Standing tall the peng-hen, a hen which walks like a penguin

What you looking at? A cross-eyed opossum (didelphis) called Heidi sits in her interim enclosure, in the zoo in Leipzig, Germany.


 This hungry kitty thought she was the cat that had got the cream when she found a half-full tin of pet food as she prowled for snacks in bins behind a supermarket.
Confused cat found wandering streets with tin on its head
Cat stuck in tin is rescued
But after poking her head into the tin, she couldn’t get it off and the confused puss was found wandering the streets of Linz, Austria, by animal lovers who dialled 999 for the fire brigade.
Fire fighters using a metal cutter gingerly snipped the can from the trapped black and white moggie’s head before handing her over to a local cat refuge centre for health checks.
One fire fighter said: ‘She looked to be in very good condition and she won’t suffer any long term problems from her experiences.
‘She obviously couldn’t see where she was going or what she was doing so it’s a miracle she didn’t wander out into the road and get hit by a car.’
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Certainly not how we use the doggy door.

Certainly not how we use the doggy door.
Certainly not how we use the doggy door.

Are you trying to smile or what?

Have a snack
Have a snack

How did you even get into this position?

How did you even get into this position
How did you even get into this position

I am a Dog!

I am a Dog!
I am a Dog!

Knock the door to get in, this is not the way!

Knock the door to get in, this is not the way!
Knock the door to get in, this is not the way!

Not how we go for rides.

Not how we go for rides.
Not how we go for rides.


Come on, your food is ready now.

NOT like that, dog!

NOT like that, dog!
NOT like that, dog!

Not the way you welcome your human home, after a long day.

Not the way you welcome your human home, after a long day.
Not the way you welcome your human home, after a long day.

OK, maybe fetch is a little out of your league.

OK, maybe fetch is a little out of your league.

What’s with your eyeball dog?


Maybe you should lay down for a while dog, you don’t look good!

Sit down for some time, you don't look good!

What the…?

That’s not how you eat your dinner

This is NOT how we beg for treats.

This is not how we beg for treats.

This is not how we go for walks dog.

This is not how we go for walks.

Maybe you should play like a normal dog.

This isn’t how you play

See that window on the left dog, put your head there.

Window on the left, stick there

You are supposed to protect the house!

You are supposed to protect the homestead
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A flock of ducks somehow found their way into the popular drugstore chain, and invaded.
A pharmacist can be seen attempted to herd the ducks out of the store with a Swiffer in the short video while onlookers naturally tape the bizarre incident with the smartphones. See below..
Flock of ducks invade CVS

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Somewhere in Dortmund, Germany one defenseless meerkat is losing a battle against sleep. He is not the first to fight the good fight, but somehow his meerkat face makes him the all-time winner of sleepy animals. Watch this adorable video below!
Tired Meerkat
Tired meerkat

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That's all I have to present you. Hope you enjoy and I hope this brightens your day. Bye bye~

Image result for bye bye

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